The Animation Academy is located in Burbank, California, the heart of the animation world! The Animation Academy was started by Charles Zembillas. He's the guy who designed Sony's Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, and the Jack and Daxter video game characters. Here is some information on their animation courses from their website:
The Animation Academy specializes in the rapid development of artistic skills necessary for achieving a successful career in animation.
Our program is firmly rooted in the fundamental principles of the animation arts. Our students develop strong creative skills that give them a competitive edge. Many credit The Animation Academy for making the difference in achieving their goals.
Our classes are attended by a variety of individuals interested in becoming animation artists as well as those currently working in the field who are further developing their talent.
Animation Academy
Administrative Offices: 2740 W. Magnolia Blvd. Suite 305
Burbank, California 91505
Here are some of the topics covered for Animation Academy Students:
The fundamentals of character design with a concerted emphasis on concept development, appeal, construction, proportions, turn arounds, style, posing, attitude and expression models and the development of basic drawing skills.
Continued studies in the art of character design with a focus upon adapting the human figure to animation. Requires the completion of Character Design I
Exercises in advanced character design theory through animal anatomy, variations in style, and an emphasis on 3d production design for characters. Requires the completion of character design II.
Studies in the fundamentals of background layout with an emphasis on perspective, composition, design, staging, mood, texture and lighting.
An introduction to visual development and production design with an emphasis on the development of fundamental rendering skills. Specific areas of study include the use of light and shadow upon form, control of gray scale values, tonal design, color theory basics, rendering techniques in a variety of mediums and the development of academic painting skills.
The development of raw concepts into graphic narratives for production. Areas of concentration include concept development, storyboard mechanics, camera moves, hook-ups, composition, script analysis, staging, continuity and animatics.
Animation Academy: Burbank, California